
2015. március 13., péntek


Kevin M. Creamer MD, FAAP
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
George Washington University School of Medicine
A professzor Úr felkért hogy a készülő könyvükhöz a Pediatric Surgery and Medicine for Hostile Environments.-hez a képdokumentációmból képet felhasználjon.Kitüntetőnek és elismerőnek tartom a felkérést és természetesen beleegyeztem.
Request permission for publication use of your HSP image(2)
Dr Bauer Bela, I am the main author /content editor for the second edition of the book Pediatric Surgery and Medicine for Hostile Environments. It is a publication that helps medical personnel with li
Today at 5:00 PM
To Today at 7:05 PM
On Friday, March 13, 2015 5:00 PM, "" <> wrote:

Dr Bauer Bela,
I am the main author /content editor for the second edition of the book Pediatric Surgery and Medicine for Hostile Environments. It is a publication that helps medical personnel with little or no Pediatric training to deliver medical, surgical, and critical care to children in austere or hostile environments. We expect it to be widely used in military medical deployment situations as well as natural disasters and humanitarian crises. The book is published by the Borden Institute, a US government publisher (nonprofit) and the work is in the public domain.
We would like to include Image #5 the HSP vasculitis from your website in our Dermatology chapter. We are requesting permission for print and electronic rights for lifetime use (which will cover subsequent revisions or editions). Of course, we would give proper attribution in a credit line, worded however you would prefer. We would need a high-resolution version for use in the book (really we need something in the MB, not KB, size range, measuring at least 300 dpi). 
Thank you in Advance for your assistance
Kevin M. Creamer MD, FAAP
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
George Washington University School of Medicine

Dear Mr. Kevin M. Creamer,
I am glad to contribute to your publication, and of course I agree to include the requested image in your publication (for print and electronic rights for lifetime use - which will cover subsequent revisions or editions).
Dr. Bauer Bela PhD.
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On Friday, March 13, 2015 7:05 PM, Bauer Emilia <> wrote:

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